Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ~ Yeats
21 December 2010
"Seaver and the Citations"
05 December 2010
SNGF - My d'Aboville Numbers
For fun and games this week, Seaver asks,
1) Do you know what a d'Aboville numbering system is? A clear description of it is in the Encyclopedia of Genealogy here, and on Wikipedia here. Pretty neat numbering system, isn't it?
2) What are your own d'Aboville numbers for your four lines of your grandparents (starting with the first known person in the paternal line)? Your genealogy software program may be able to help you with this [Family tree Maker 2011, RootsMagic 4 and Legacy Family Tree 7 can, but Family Tree Maker 16 and earlier cannot].
It looked like a huge math problem to me. Luckily, I have RootsMagic 4 and in no time at all, I had my numbers for each of my four grandparents paternal lines :
From HEINRICH BEFORT (1761- ? ) my number is =
From J. FRED BORGSTADTER (1853-1929) my number is =
From LEWIS T. HARRIS (1810-1836) my number is =
From THOMAS SKILLMAN (1639-1699) my number is =
01 December 2010
"There's One In Every Family" - 100th COG

So with such a great start, what the hell happened? I am pretty sure that I am not the daughter my mother always dreamed of having. But in all fairness to me, there were warning signs that mummy dahling obviously failed to recognize. I present to you my evidence:
1962 - My first party hat

2002 - My umpteenth party hat

1968 - I traded in this veil

For this veil in 2008

1959 - I went from riding this

To this in 2009
And behavior like this
Will surely lead me to this
26 November 2010
It Was A Geek-Girl's Dream Come True
The first order of business was filling out paperwork so that we could be issued a NARA researcher ID card.
Seated at the desk is NARA's Rose Mary Kennedy issuing a researcher's ID card to me (Sheri Fenley). Next in line from left to right is: Kay Ingalls, Suzy Miller, Ginny Meadowcroft , Mr. Rose (who drives Miss Christine) and Jeffrey Vaillant
With our researcher ID cards in hand, we gathered for a short introduction to the archives and Marisa Louie gave us an itinerary of the tour.
In the accessions room are from left to right: Steve Danko, Kathryn Cannon, Ron Cannon, Marisa Louie (the archivist), Lisa Lee
After the tour, it was into the classroom for some mini-lectures about each of the record groups that are of the most use for a genealogist.
The record groups covered in class were:
RG 21 - Records of US District Courts: Naturalizations; bankruptcy, civil, criminal and other cases. Admiralty cases for coastal regions. San Francisco dates—1850-1970s. A major genealogical source.
RG 49 - Bureau of Land Management/General Land Office: homestead, mining claim, and other Federal public lands (only) transactions case files, tract serial register books and other registers; survey plats, and land entry and patent case files. San Francisco dates—1850s-1960s. SF has CA and NV State offices.
From left to right: me, Steve Danko, Suzy Miller, Ginny Meadowcroft , Christine Rose, Sharon Hoyt, Jeffrey Vaillant (standing), Kay Germain Ingalls, Janice Sellers, Lisa Lee and Marisa Louie (the archivist)
RG 85 - Immigration and Naturalization Service: Massive collection of immigration investigation case files, 1884-1950s, for Honolulu and San Francisco relating mostly to Chinese and other Asian immigrants. Some regions have INS compilations of naturalization records created by county superior courts.
RG 15 - Veterans Administration: c1918-1920s, World War I era only, programs for veterans rehabilitation, employment and training of disabled vets.
From left to right: Ron Cannon, Kathryn Cannon, Cath Trindle and Carolyn Ybarra
RG 147 - Selective Service System World War II: WWII SSS draft registration records are now available in most regional archives, but the master index is held by the National Personnel Records Archives for Military Records, in St. Louis. By mid-2011, WWII SSS records are scheduled to be centralized at MPRA-St. Louis.
RG 163 - Selective Service System World War I: Draftee lists and records of delinquents and deserters.
After the mini classes, we moved to the reading room where Marisa and Rose Mary had pulled some original records from each of the record groups that had been discussed in class for our viewing enjoyment.
Petition for Naturalization from RG 21 - U.S. District Courts
Many, Many thanks to Tim Cox for arranging this outing for our group. Extra special thanks to Marisa Louie and Rose Mary Kennedy for sharing their knowledge and expertise with us.
For anyone interested in conducting research at the NARA facility in San Bruno, California, here are a couple of tips that will make your trip a more productive one.
Use these online finding aids before your visit:
NARA's Online Microfilm Catalog allows researchers to determine the microfilm publications held by the San Bruno facility.
Use the Archival Research Catalog (ARC) to search for records in San Bruno
Call or email the archivists ahead of time to let them know the scope of your research project and when you plan to visit. Records can be pulled, ready for you to start in on when you get there. A heads up to one of the archivists and they can schedule some time to assist you with you project. Contact Rose Mary Kennedy or Marisa Louie.
San Francisco Federal Records Center
National Archives and Records Administration Pacific Region
1000 Commodore Drive
San Bruno, CA 94066-2350
Phone: (650) 238-3501
Fax: (650) 238-3507
Another view of the stacks. I could spend days in here without coming up for air.
All photos taken by Tim Cox and used here with his permission.
25 November 2010
It Isn't Thanksgiving Unless You Watch The Parade

I adore Bullwinkle - "Watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat"

There he is! It's Santa. Watching this particular parade is kind of like comfort food for me. I know , that no matter what else is going on in the world, Santa will be there each and every year, bringing up the rear at the end of the Thanksgiving Day parade. Waving to me like an old and dear friend.
Happy Thanksgiving from my home to yours!
24 November 2010
A Little Of This, A Little Of That and More Of That Over There!
I have, on occasion, conducted the same exercise as Amy. My results are a little different. Here are the Top 10 search words or phrases (according to Google Analytics) that real people have used and ended up on my blog whether they wanted to be there or not :
#10 - "Name that means educated"
#9 - "Baby your Santa"
#8 - "A Girl can only dream"
#7 - "Rabbit Cartoon"
#6 - "Week day name creator"
#5 - "Polish dance heel toe and away we go"
#4 - "Slurpee Outfit"
#3 - "A Catholic Nun thing"
#2 - "Fairy and Hillbilly games"
#1 - "Nuns with guns"
Not even close to my name or the name of my blog. Sigh.

The May 2010 Family Tree Magazine celebrated this phenomenon with the Family Tree 40, forty genealogy blogs that you all nominated and voted on as the best genealogy blogs. (You can see the 2010 Family Tree 40 list in our free online article.)
They are doing it again for 2011. You can nominate your favorite genealogy blogs using our online form now through Tuesday, Nov. 30.
When you nominate a blog, you’ll give them the title and URL, optionally tell them why you’re nominating it, and put it into one of these eight categories (a few have changed from last year’s Family Tree 40):
- Local/regional history and genealogy: blogs focusing on research in a specific county, state or region. Most library and archive blogs, as well as many local historical and genealogical society blogs, would go here.
- Heritage groups: Blogs focusing on the family history of a specific ethnic, religious or national background (such as African-American, Jewish, Polish, etc.)
- Research advice and how-to: Blogs that primarily explain how to research, analyze photos or perform various family history tasks. The blogger offers tips, strategies and examples; explains genealogical concepts; and writes about how to use new resources.
- Cemeteries: These blogs feature content primarily about cemetery research and visiting cemeteries. Many feature tombstone photos and transcriptions, with information about those interred.
- “My Family History”: Blogs about the blogger’s own roots, including accounts of personal research, their own family photos and heirlooms, stories, recipes, etc.
- “Everything” blogs: Blogs that cover it all—genealogy news, research advice, opinions, local history, family stories, etc.—go here.
- New blogs: Was the blog you’re nominating launched during the past year? Categorize it here, even if it would also fit into another category.
- Technology: Blogs focusing on genealogy websites, software, DNA testing or other aspects of technology as it relates to genealogy.
Visit The Genealogy Insider to get all the details.
Last year I was voted one of the "Fab 40." Still love me? Then get over to the Blog Nomination Form and let them know!
Family Bible Digitization Project

As an extra bonus, if you have a clear photograph or image of the original owners of the family Bible or photographs of members of their immediate family then these will be included with the rest of the information. Please contact me if you would like more information or have a pre World War II bible.
If you live around the central coastal area of California, my DAR sister - Elizabeth O'Neal from Little Bytes of Life can make sure your family bible is included in the project. Her chapter is also participating in the great project.
Become A Part Of History In The 100th Carnival of Genealogy

The theme for this special COG is - "There's one in every family!"
Submit your blog article to the 100th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy using our carnival submission form. Please use a descriptive phrase in the title of any articles you plan to submit and/or write a brief description/introduction to your articles in the "comment" box of the blog carnival submission form. This will give readers an idea of what you've written about and hopefully interest them in clicking on your link. Past posts
What is the COG (Carnival of Genealogy) you ask? Jasia has a great FAQ page that should answer any question you may have.
What Makes You Feel All Warm and Fuzzy?
Volunteering my time and skills to get records online that are free and available to all. No, it's not the only thing that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, but that's a whole different post.
There are indexing projects going on all over the place. I have volunteered my time to huge projects like the World Archive Project and the FamilySearch Indexing Project. I have also worked on smaller, more record specific endeavors like the Missouri State Archives Online Death Certificates 1910 to 1959 and Brigham Young University's Immigrant Ancestor Project.
Currently, all my volunteer time has been devoted to a very special and unique project - Restore The Ancestors Project. Working with the records of this project has opened a whole new world to me. The world of colonial South Carolina covering the years 1732 to 1872. Not having any ancestors of my own from this area, I had never explored or conducted research in this area of the United States. These estate inventory records are so fascinating and many of them recorded in such detail I felt like I was almost there back in time. It is also a bit emotionally disturbing indexing the names of enslaved men, women and children who have a dollar value attached to them along with pieces of furniture and livestock.
Some of the records tell you a story. One that I came across involved a female slave that had appeared in an estate inventory. She apparently ran away but was caught and detained until someone came for her. The entries following the inventory are detailed expenses that have been presented to the court for payment by the estate. Expenses such as room and board for the slave during the time she was incarcerated. Travel time and expenses for the party sent to pick her up and the bounty money for capturing her.
Another record shows the estate inventory of John Carmille, butcher, of Charleston Neck which lists the names of Carmille's enslaved wife Henrietta and their children. Further research reveals that Carmille had petitioned the South Carolina Senate in 1823, seeking to emancipate Henrietta and her children. The case eventually reached the South Carolina Supreme Court and Henrietta and her children were allowed to live as free people.
This project is a collaboration of four organizations:
The South Carolina Department of Archives and History - They hold the original records and have provided access to them and permission to place them on the Internet.
FamilySearch donated the copies of the microfilms to be digitized. contributed the time and expense to digitize the films and host the collection on their site which is free to search and view.
Lowcountry Africana coordinates the volunteers who index the records and has created individual pages for each plantation indexed. These pages contain information about the owners and the names of all the slaves and provide a link to the actual image of the estate record
Why are these records unique and important?
This collection of records includes every surviving estate inventory for Colonial and Charleston South Carolina from 1732 to 1872, as well as selected Bills of Sale for the same period. Because of Charleston’s role as a port of entry during the Atlantic Slave Trade many thousands of African Americans may have ancestors who came from, or through, South Carolina. For anyone conducting African American genealogy research the names of the slaves from these records will assist in forming a seamless paper trail from Emancipation back to the 1700s.
The call went out asking for volunteers to index just 10 pages. No long time commitment here, just 10 pages. A few of you answered the call, but more volunteers are needed. Toni Carrier, who is the volunteer coordinator, told me that only about 1/3 of the records have been indexed and annotated. 4600 pages have been indexed and 184,000 annotations are now searchable.
So how about it? There is no pressure on how long it takes you. Depending on the information contained on the pages you are assigned, 10 pages will probably take about 30 minutes of your time. Give back to the genealogical community the gift of your time. To volunteer click HERE.
Have I done my 10 pages? I have. In fact of those 4600 pages and 184,000 annotations, I have done over 400 pages and 10,550 annotations!
21 November 2010
Client Work - A Love/Hate Relationship?
So . Long time no blog.
I have truly missed blogging. Not the writing part. I am doing enough of that writing clients reports. I miss the informality, spontaneity and camaraderie of blogging. With Christmas coming soon, I have almost doubled my client work. Seems giving "family" to a family member is a hot gift this year. I am not complaining, after all this is why I spent the last 7 years attending classes, conferences, discussion groups, etc. - To become a professional and take clients, right? It has become painfully obvious to me the need for more instruction in how to achieve a better balance of work time versus me time.
Speaking of time management: The hardest part of doing client work, being a professional genealogist? Staying within the parameters of a project timewise. Here is a prime example:
Let's say a client contracts 4 hours of time for research which includes a written, documented report of your research plan,findings , analysis of said findings and recommendations for further research.
At the 3 1/2 hour mark (the other 1/2 is used to write report), you say to yourself, "I just know that if I search that one more ______(fill in the blank), I will have twice as much information for the client."
We all know the math:
Twice as much info for client = You now have Rockstar status with client
So now you are 6 hours into the project and still need to write the report which will now take you way longer than 1/2 hour because you added all that extra information.
End result: I did twice the amount of work for the contracted fee. Sure, the client was extremely pleased and maybe more work will come from client or referrals . . but what has really happened?
The client thinks that you did all that work in 4 hours and will expect that level of performance for that same fee in any future research. And if you take a look at your ledger book, you and your business took it in the shorts.
Everyday I learn something new . . .
14 November 2010
The Big Show Is Coming To Town

From CGS' own Kathryn Doyle, here are the GPS coordinates for the R.E.I. Community Room:
21 October 2010
A Halloween Gift Just For You
08 October 2010
Familiar Faces at the Family History Expo
06 October 2010
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Its Off To The Expo I Go!

I have been waiting for this event for almost a year now. Not only will I be attending this 2 day genealogical extravaganza, I have been asked to participate!

Elizabeth O’Neal
Little Bytes of Life
Leah Allen
The Internet Genealogist
Lisa Alzo
The Accidental Genealogist
Bruce Buzbee
Roots Magic Blog
Amy Coffin
Lisa Louise Cooke
Genealogy Gems
Kathryn M. Doyle
California Genealogical Society and Library
Becky Wiseman
Gena Philibert Ortega
Gena's Genealogy Blog
Leland Meitzler
Craig Manson
Thomas MacEntee
Nancy Loe
Sassy Jane Genealogy
A. C. Ivory
Find My Ancestor
Janet Hovorka
The Chart Chick
Paula Hinkel
It Just Never Came Up
Jean Wilcox Hibben
Holly Hansen
Family History Expos Blog
Arlene Eakle
Arlene H Eakle's Genealogy Blog
And the Stealth Blogger - Darling Denise Levenick aka The Family Curator
I'll be blogging live from from the Expo so stay tuned.
I Know You're Wearing Them

I know you're wearing them - your shades.
It's a good thing too because the new issue of the award winning "Shades of the Departed Magazine" has been published and is waiting just for you to read.
110 pages of Awesome-ness. What are you waiting for?
05 October 2010
If You Really Knew Them
George Morgan graciously opened his life experience to everyone in a post at Facebook and now Ruth Coker Burkes, author of last2cu, has done the same with "If You Really Knew Me" . I encourage you to read about their experiences.
02 October 2010
Re-Living A Little Bit of History

Today, 87 years later, the plaque will be installed on the restored Dodge House during a re-dedication ceremony.

28 September 2010
Friday Night Extravaganza & Dessert Buffet
Lisa Louise Cooke will be hosting her show "Genealogy Gems" live and in person. Among her guests for the evening will be Craig Manson, the outstanding author of GeneaBlogie, and yours truly. Yes, Me! Craig and I will be discussing the columns we write for the phenomenal publication "Shades of the Departed" magazine. The illustrious footnoteMaven is the editor and publisher of this wonderful magazine. She's not able to take the stage with us, but I know she'll be there in spirit.
Lisa tells me that prizes will be given away throughout the show. So clear your calendar and come join in the fun. It will be a Friday night to remember!

27 September 2010
The Expo Is Coming!

25 September 2010
SNGF - It's All In The Blood Line or Why I Get To Be Czarina of Stockton.
1) Pick one of your ancestral lines - any one - patrilineal, matrilineal, zigzag, from a famous ancestor, etc. Pick a long one if you can.
2) Tell us which position in the birth order that your ancestor was in each generation. For example "third child, first son." Also list how many children were born to these parents.
3) Share your Birth Order work with us on your own blog post, in a comment to this blog post, in a comment on Facebook, etc.
I am going to zigzag through my maternal ancestral lines.
1. Me - 1st child - Only daughter - 6 children
2. My Mother - 1st child - 1st daughter of Darrell Kenneth Skillman & Mary Ellen Harris (3 children)
3. Mary Ellen Harris (1916-1995) - Only child of Hillery T. Harris and Hazel Berry
4. Hillery T. Harris (1894-1959) - 4th child - 4th son of George Wesley Harris and Minda Ellen Wallace (5 children)
5. George Wesley Harris (1864-1949) - 2nd child - 1st son of Hillery Taylor Asbeth Harris and Mary Ann Frances Bess (10 children)
6. Mary Ann Frances Bess (1841-1900) - 1st child - 1st daughter of Peter Bess and Sarah H. Beam (7 children)
7. Sarah H. Beam (1823-1915) - 3rd child - 2nd daughter of David Beam and Mary Ann Wacaster (8 children)
8. David Beam (1797-1852) - 4th child - 3rd son of John Derrick Beam and Mary Hoyle (10 children)
9. John Derrick Beam (1765-1822) - 1st child - 1st son of John Teeter Beam and Rebecca Raynolds (15 children)
10. John Teeter Beam (1732-1807) - 1st child - 1st son of Michael Beam and Sarah Rudolph
11. Michael Beam (1702-1801) - Unknown
Now the explanation of my blue blood. Tradition has it that my 8th great grandmother, Sarah Rudolph, was a daughter of Rudolph, once Emperor of Germany as handed down by S. G. Goodrich, a German writer. Rudolph, once Emperor of Germany, had seven beautiful daughters who contracted alliances that proved to be happy ones. Sarah Rudolph was a member of the ruling family of Germany. Rudolph I of Hapsburg (1218-1291) Emperor of Germany, founder of the Imperial House of Austria, was the eldest son of Albert IV, Count of Hapsburg and Landgrave of Alsace. Elected Emperor in 1273. He defeated Ottokar, king of Bohemia and gave the latter's territories to his sons Albert and Rudolph. (see "Winston's Cumulative Loose-Leaf Encyclopedia" by Thomas E. Finegan, copyright 1926). The Rudolphs ruled Germany until 1830.
So that about says it all, no? I more than qualify for the Czarina seeing as how I have Emperor blood running through my veins. Thanks Seaver for the opportunity to clear this issue up.
02 September 2010
How I Overcame Writer's Block In Less Than 24 Hours
[note: I have since been medicated and realize how silly that thought was. Hah, the room has to be purple AND paint the trim fuchsia pink in order for son not to move back home. ]
[note to self: need to buy fuchsia pink paint ASAP]

28 August 2010
Hey Seaver! Here I Am.

I haven't blogged in some time and I feel just awful about it. The reason, I am thrilled to say, is that business has picked up and I have been working my tail off. I will share what a typical day has been like for me in a future post. The post I wrote about starting a new genealogy business was so well received so I have more on the way.
I also took a week (an entire 7 days) and went to Rio del Mar. For those who are not familiar with California, Rio del Mar is a little town on the northern California coast about 8 miles south of Santa Cruz and about 40 miles south of San Francisco.

I spent 7 days doing absolutely NOTHING! It was heaven.
I am also participating in what I feel is a very worthwhile and interesting project. LowCountry Africana has partnered with to index estate inventories from South Carolina for the years 1732 to 1872. This database is a free one at Footnote. Some of the inventories are so detailed it makes you feel like you are there. They have put out a call for volunteers to index just 10 pages. If enough people did 10 pages each, the project would be finished in no time at all. AND there is a reward! On top of feeling good for giving back to the genealogical community you will get this groovy badge to place on your blog.

And finally, here is someone who is truly showing me some love!
12 August 2010
The Graveyard Rabbit Doth Hath Charm

In September 2008, one of the best blogging memes by far was created by Terry - "Getting To Know You, Getting To Know All About ____". Genealogy bloggers were growing in numbers very quickly and Terry felt that if we all got to know one another a little better it would help solidify us as a community. We were to showcase 3 of you best posts: The Brightest, The Breeziest and the Most Beautiful. It was in writing that post I felt that I was becoming a better writer. Not the best, but better and it finally gave me the confidence in myself to keep writing.
I will never forget Terry's own post to the meme. He opened it with an audio file. He sang (a Capella no less!) "Getting To Know You" from musical "The King and I." What I wouldn't give to hear it one more time.
The world is a better and more beautiful place because of Terry Thornton. I am thankful he touched my life.
06 August 2010
But I Feel So Much Older Than 2!
I am 2 years old! My children tell me I act like a 2 years old as well. Those mean boys are constantly telling me to "Grow Up."
Well I think that I have done alot of growing in the last 2 years. I have a network of absolutely the grooviest people who encourage and support me in everything I do. I am speaking of course of the group of humans called the "Geneabloggers."
You people have given me the cajones (that's Spanish for courage y'all) to accomplish anything I set my mind to do.
So celebrate with me - take a few minutes and just do something silly. Like next time you are in the frozen food section of the grocery store, do a little dance. Or get out that lawn mower, put on your bathing suit and rock on. Whatever you do, I want to hear about it. "Get Out of Hell Free" cards will be sent upon request - no questions asked.
I am a genealogist, a historical researcher and I do spend alot of time being serious. But I always reward myself with moments like this:

The Genie is in the house!
(that just cost me 5 "Get Out of Hell Free" cards.)