Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ~ Yeats
27 June 2009
Just A Minute At Jamboree
I will report back when I return home. Genea-bloggers, Facebook Friends and Mardi Gras Beads - Oh My!
21 June 2009
Daddy's Day

He was the oldest of four sons born to Edmund Robert Beffort and Myrtle Mae Borgstadter

20 June 2009
A Small Digression
Denise has shared an image of her as a child. It isn't just any old photo or image - it is a PORTRAIT that was painted by Carl Austen (who I assume might be a local artist).
I never had my portrait painted as a child nor as an adult. I don't know why this bothers me, but it does. I am going to have a talk with Mummy Dahling about this. I have always said that I had a perfect childhood, a princess in fairyland. But I see now that perhaps, I am mistaken. I have gone through my entire box of childhood photos and crap, er I mean mementos and I can assure you that there are no portraits of me.
There is one item that might be considered : A piece of black construction paper that someone took scissors and cut out the shape of my little head. I know it is me and not one of my brothers because there is a ponytail attached to it. This piece of artwork is pasted to the back of a cereal box (I can still see part of the Wheaties logo).
Am I making too much of this? How many of you had portraits painted when you were a child?
I am simply dying of jealousy here!
19 June 2009
Sheri Goes to Samford - Sophomore Year Part 4
Christine Rose came to teach one more session for my class. Analysis and Correlation of Evidence. This could not have come at a better time for me. I am hoping to complete my portfolio and mail it in before the end of the year to The Board for Certification of Genealogists. The BCG is not a club or membership society. It is the U.S. based certifying body for genealogists. The work samples and reports that I put in my portfolio will be reviewed and measured against the standards to assess my competency to find, analyze and interpret evidence, present sound research reports and historical accounts of families.
Onomatology - Do you know what it means? Lloyd's next session covered a wide array of resources to use when one is analyzing a forename and a surname. I learned an interesting little fact - If a name is spelled a certain way in one place and differently in another and it can be determined that it is one person, the law says that if it sounds the same then it is legal. For example Powell and Powel. That the forenames Sebastian and Sigmund are German however the forenames Felix and Christian are SWISS German.
The afternoon session was a real treat. Dr. John Coletta came to talk to us about passenger arrivals and naturalization records. I have Dr. Coletta's book "Only A Few Bones" - I have read it at least 3 times. It is such a compelling story and the amount of research he put into this project is simply mind-blowing.
This was my first time to see Dr. Coletta give a presentation and he is simply mahvalous dahlings! He is so energetic, so excited about the information he is sharing with you. I don't know about anyone else, but he makes you feel part of the presentation, engaging you with direct eye contact. His enthusiasm is contagious and invigorating.
After classes I went with Kathryn Hopkins (my coffee saviour from last year) and 2 gentlemen (Gasp!) off campus for a little excitement. I think I shall leave you with that thought until tomorrow.
18 June 2009
Sheri goes to Samford - Sophomore Year Part 3
The second session of her lecture was all about Estate and Probate records at the county courthouses. Again stressing the need for knowledge of the laws in place at the time of the record, she took us through the probate process step by step. The terminology used in these records is very important to understand as it will help us to interpret the record properly.
So let me tell you about some "new-to-me" foods that were on the cafeteria menu. FIELD PEAS - What the hell is a field pea? Aren't all peas grown in a field? In the world I come from, peas are green and round. Here in Samford-land, it is a pinkish white bean with a black spot on it. BROCCOLI BITES - I have to tell you that I never did find these. But then again, I was looking for little green trees. POLENTA - I thought at first it was mashed potatoes. Learn from my mistake people - this is grits using a fancy Italian name as a disguise.
The rest of the afternoon Mr. Bockstruck took us into an area alot of people avoid for some reason - Military and Pension Records. As registrar for my local DAR chapter, I deal with Revolutionary War records often. Lloyd gave us an in depth look at the War of 1812, the Mexican War and the Indian Wars. This is were I really learned something new. It was absolutely amazing to learn about the records that were created as a result of these wars.
I was late for dinner tonight. I had gone back to the dorm after class and sat down for just a minute. I woke up 1 1/2 hours later. I don't even remember closing my eyes, I swear. It ended up being a good thing. I was sitting there minding my own business and guess who sits down next to me? Tim Pinnick. Here's the story about Tim.
The only TV I watch is Booknotes (CSPAN) on the weekends and the show 24. I have been hooked on this show since the episode where Jack Bauer is being held prisoner, hands and feet are bound, no weapons, Oh no! How will Jack get out of this one? He bites the neck of his captor and rips out the guys jugular vein. My kind of guy! Anyway, this season Jack is dying. I was so upset that I posted on facebook about it. Well Tim left me a comment that I was to rest easy. His wife would never let Jack Bauer die. Bless his little heart. (Southern-ese for a knight in shining armor with a little bit of rust around the edges). For those who do not know Tim, he is a scholar, author and gives lectures about researching coal miners and is a wiz at African-American research.
I talk about alot of brain-ee-acks I have met and I'll bet you're wondering why are they hanging out with me. Well, as soon as I know the answer to that, I'll be sure to pass it along. It is one of the best benefits of attending Samford. You already know about the education you'll get that you won't find anywhere else in the world. But the other is the people you meet. 250 people all on the same page. 250 people who share the same rush when a new discovery or connection is made. The friends you make at Samford are friends that you will have forever. It is genealogical nirvana.
Well it is show time across the street. My oh my I will have to make sure that young man gets his heart blessed before I go home.
16 June 2009
Sheri Goes To Samford - Sophomore Year Part 2

Front row from left to right: Elissa Scalise Powell, Angela McGhie, Craig Scott, Janis Gilmore
Ms. Bettag has a gift for taking a 4 hours lecture and cramming it into one and still cover all the material she intended. Claire knows the land record holdings of the National Archives like the back of her hand. We learned mostly about the land records in Record Group 49 as well as what the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) and GLO (Government Land Office) had to offer. Private Land Claims, a subject dear to her heart, was touched on. If you ever get the chance to hear Claire lecture, make sure you get a front row seat (so you can see her, she's really short!) and buckle your seatbelt (she talks really fast).
This year I felt even more welcome as I was joined at my smoking patio by another nicotine freak. Last year I was either the only smoker in Birmingham or there are a lot of secret smokers out there hiding. Anyway, the gentleman from Texas technically doesn't smoke since he doesn't actually buy any cigarettes (his definition ) but I was glad of the company even though it cuts into my rations.
Well back to the window sill for the rest of the show. I'll be back.......
15 June 2009
Sheri Goes To Samford - Sophomore Year
It is now 6 PM and I have not had a smoke since 5 AM. I pushed my way to the front of the plane to exit, ran toward baggage claim, alternating "Move it out of the way people" and making a sound like a siren. This must not be an unusual sight at airports as I had airport employees clearing the way and pointing me towards the smoking area. Bless their little hearts. (This is Southern-ese for "Thank you Jesus!)
I forgot to mention that once again I managed to stay under the weight allowance for checked luggage - 49 1/2 pounds. I flew with a different airlines than last year, hoping that they would recognize my gift for outstanding packing techniques and present me with an award. I know you share my disappointment in learning that they did not.
My roommate at Samford this year is Tina Sansone. She picked me up at the airport and before we went to her home, she drove me to see Elvis. I don't know what I expected really, but it wasn't what I saw. Graceland is in a horrible part of Memphis and get this - here it is a Saturday and the place is deserted! There wasn't a living soul there but us 2. We got out of the car anyway and walked toward the main gates. There is a Wall made of stones a block long attached to the gates. Every square inch of that wall had been autographed by people who had come to pay homage to the King. I though it downright creepy - all those signatures but no people around but us.

I felt right at home at Tina's. She is a dedicated genealogist, serious about her profession. I know this because the reading material in her bathroom is the NGS Quarterly, DAR's American Spirit magazine and her local genealogical society newsletter. Bless her little heart (This is Southern-ese for What A Gal!)
We left the next morning for Birmingham. It was a 4 hour drive which I am sure is very pleasant when there isn't hurricane force winds and sheets of rain following you the entire way. Oh did I mention the thunder and bolts of lightening from Hell? Those were thrown in free of charge. Here's a little factoid I'll bet you didn't know - gun racks in the cabs of pick up trucks double as lightening rods.
I'll be back tomorrow, same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel!
14 June 2009
Got Shades?
12 June 2009
74th COG - Bathing Beauty

It's Carnival time again - specifically the 74th Edition of the COG - Swimsuit Edition. You can read all about it over at footnoteMaven's place and then submit your own entry using the carnival submission form.
I haven't participated in the last couple of carnivals and feel just awful about it. When I read what the 74th COG theme was, I knew immediately that I had one and only one photo that fit the bill.
It is the only photo I have that shows a body of water. It is the only photo I have that resembles some kind of bathing suit. It is a photo of me taken at the beach in Southern California. The date on the back of the photo indicates that I am 2 years and 2 months old. It does not give the location of the beach.
11 June 2009
Divine Intervention: The Sisters of Providence and Me
If you are a regular reader, you might remember my mentioning awhile back that I was born in Burbank, California - specifically at St. Joseph's Hospital. I want to be prepared in case I decide to visit the building of my birth so did a search for St. Joe's. I found the website for St. Joseph's and the first thing that popped out at me was that it had been founded by The Sisters of Providence. It was one of those "Twiglight Zone" moments. Goosebumps, theme song music, the works. Let me explain.
James Sheern is my 4th great grandfather. He was born in Ireland about 1792. After arriving in the United States around 1815, James found himself in Nelson County, Kentucky living among a large community of Catholics that had migrated from Maryland. By 1840, James Sheern migrated from Kentucky with the Catholic community to Vigo County, Indiana and settled in what was called the "Catholic Northern Arm Colony."
In October of 1840 another group of Catholics arrived in Vigo County. This group was quite a bit smaller. From the Sisters of Providence convent in France, six sisters under the leadership of Mother Theodore Guérin arrived in Sugar Creek Township to begin their mission - to teach, to introduce religious instruction and to assist the sick in the Dicoese of Vincennes.

The first home of the Sisters of Providence 1840
Immediately after the sister's arrival, all the Catholic families in the area came together to help them build a proper church and school. Sugar Creek Township in 1840 was a densely wooded land with several creeks that ran into the Wabash. Land was cleared, foot bridges were built and a proper church was erected.
St. Mary of the Woods , 1845
There were about 30 Catholic families in the area. These include the names : ALVEY, DERMODY, CURLEY, HOLLAND, MAHONEY, SHEERN, BROWN, WARD, SHEA, THRALLS, RICE, REED, LESEURE, DELAHAYE, REGAN.
By the 1870's a small village comprised of these families had been created.
"St. Mary’s is a village of 100 inhabitants adjacent to the community of the Sisters of Providence. Its site was never divided into town lots. It contains two stores, a cabinet, carpenter, blacksmith and cooper shop, and a fine brick church which was built in 1867 and cost $13,000. In religion the villagers are Catholic, who have been induced to locate here because of the growth and prosperity of the Academic Institute, so successfully conducted by the Sisters of Providence. The village has grown to its present size within the past thirty-five years without any effort to build up a town."
The villagers and the sisters worked side by side for years and prospered on both sides. The Sisters of Providence even owned a coal mine - St. Mary's Mine - adjacent to their land in Sugar Creek Township which provided employment for many of the parishioners.
Branches of my SHEERN family live in St. Mary of the Woods Village to this day. It remains a very small village and close-knit community.

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church at St. Mary of the Woods College
In 1846, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College was granted the first charter for the higher education of women in the state of Indiana. SMWC conferred its first bachelor of arts degree in 1899. Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College is the nation's oldest Catholic liberal arts college for women and one of the oldest institutions of higher education for women in the United States.

Saint Mother Theodore
A biography about Saint Mother Theodore called "The Eighth American Saint" tells the story of a woman with an unwavering faith in God as she faced great hardships including a grueling passage from France, harsh winters, primitive living conditions, anti-Catholicism—and a tense relationship with her direct authority in the Church, the Bishop of Vincennes.
As Mother Theodore, she lived a holy life and practiced the heroic virtues of faith, hope, charity, prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance - the makings of a saint - until her death 14 May 1856.
Two miracles are necessary for canonization. In 1908, Sister Mary Theodosia Mug, who had suffered from a number of crippling ailments including cancer, allegedly recovered overnight after praying at Mother Theodore’s tomb. Phil McCord, the director of facilities maintenance at Sisters of Providence, received the second miracle in 2000. McCord’s right eye was healed after praying to Mother Theodore.
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, the foundress of St. Mary of the Woods, was canonized at the Vatican on October 15, 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI .
The Sisters of Providence have been a part of my life long before I was even born. Now I understand why I have so many "Get Out of Hell Free" cards.
Theodosia, Sister Mary. "Sisters of Providence." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 12. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911.
Sketches of St. Mary of the Woods courtesy of Wabash Valley Visions & Voices: A Digital Memory Project,468
Borremo, Sister Mary. "History of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods : Volume 1 1806-1856." New York: Benziger Bros., 1949
06 June 2009
It's 1909 - Do You Know Where Your Ancestors Are?
Daddy's side of the family first - they are in Illinois, Kansas and Missouri
BEFORT is the paternal side.
My grandfather hadn't been born yet.
My great grandparents John and Elizabeth (Ernst) BEFORT were living in Wheatland Township, Ellis County, Kansas
BEFORT, JOHN, age 39, immigrated 1879, born Russia, Farmer, owns farm, cannot read or write English
BEFORT, ELIZABETH, age 36, immigrated 1878, 7 children/5 living, born Russia, cannot read or write English
BEFORT, ANGELA, age 17, born Kansas
BEFORT, JOE, age 14, born Kansas
BEFORT, SUSIE, age 11, born Kansas
BEFORT, NICK, age 3, born Kansas
BEFORT, PAULINA, age 1 1/2, born Kansas
BORGSTADTER, HOBROCK & BESSON are the maternal side.
My grandmother was not born yet.
My great grandparents Henry and Emogene (Besson) BORGSTADTER were living in Madison Township, Lincoln County, Kansas
BORGSTADTER, HENRY F., age 25, born Illinois, farmer, rents home
BORGSTADTER, EMOGENE, age 22, born Kansas, no children
They were married in the year 1910
My 2nd great grandparents John Fred and Elizabeth (Hobrock) BORGSTADTER were living in Lincoln City, Elkhorn Township, Lincoln County, Kansas
BORGSTADTER, FRED, age 56, born Germany, immigrated 1871, Farmer, owns farm
BORGSTADTER, ELIZABETH, age 48, 4 children all living, born Illinois
My 3rd great grandmother (Elizabeth's mother) Anna Mary (Thron) HOBROCK was living at 415 Fifteenth Street, Beardstown, Cass County, Illinois
HOBROCK, MARY, age 71, widow, born Illinois, has own income, owns home [The space about children had been left blank]

BESSON, LOUIS E., age 44, widow, born Germany, immigrated 1884, Farmer, owns farm
Mummy Dahling's side of the family lived Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and North Carolina.
George Wesley Harris and his wife Minda Ellen (Wallace) Harris are pictured left
George's grandmother, my 4th great grandmother Sarah BESS was living on Cherryville Road, Lincoln County, North Carolina with her daughter.
This has been a wonderful review exercise. After going through this time frame, branch by branch, I am now confident that there are no holes. I have accounted for everyone!
05 June 2009
National Doughnut Day!

The first Friday in June is a day that I look forward to. Just about all the shops give away free doughnuts. I have had my route mapped out for months now.
According to Holiday Insights -
"National Doughnut Day was established in 1938 by the Chicago Salvation Army to raise much-needed funds during the Great Depression, and to honor the work of World War I Salvation Army volunteers who prepared doughnuts and other foods for thousands of soldiers."

In the South, I was told, doughnuts come in plain white boxes that resemble a shirt box from Macy's.
See - cultural differences which fall into the category of social history, which falls into the larger category of history, which has alot to do with researching your ancestors!
03 June 2009
Seaver's Saturday Night Fun - Birthday Fun Facts
To play following these instructions:
1. Go to the web site.
2. Read his Bad Jokes page. What was the first one that popped up?
I went to a seafood disco last week...and pulled a mussel. [See, this is why I always stick to the frozen food aisles in grocery stores]
3. Click on his Birthday Calculator link. What are five Fun Facts you didn't know about your birthday?
a) You can boil 5.83 US ounces of water with as many candles that will be on my cake next year.
b) I share a birthday with Vincent Van Gogh, Warren Beatty and M.C. Hammer.
c) My age is the equivalent of a dog that is 7.173385518591 years old.
d) I was born in the Chinese Year of the Pig. [ Go on, I double dog dare you to comment]
e) Today is not my lucky day. [ What a surprise, ho hum]
4. Click on the "what your name means" link. What are your Number, your Soul Urge number and your Inner Dream number? Do the descriptions of your numbers match your perception of yourself? Note - females need to enter their birth name, not married name.
Your number is: 5
The characteristics of #5 are: Expansiveness, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom.
The expression or destiny for #5: The number 5 Expression endows with the wonderful characteristic of multi-talents and versatility. You can do so many things well. The tone of the number 5 is constructive freedom, and in your drive to attain this freedom, you will likely be the master of adaptability and change. You are good at presenting ideas and knowing how to approach people to get what you want. Naturally, this gives you an edge in any sort of selling game and spells easy success when it comes to working with people in most jobs. Your popularity may lead you toward some form of entertainment or amusement. Whatever you do, you are clever, analytical, and a very quick thinker.
Your Soul Urge number is: 3
A Soul Urge number of 3 means: With the Soul Urge number 3 your desire in life is personal expression, and generally enjoying life to its fullest. You want to participate in an active social life and enjoy a large circle of friends. You want to be in the limelight, expressing your artistic or intellectual talents. Word skills may be your thing; speaking, writing, acting, singing. In a positive sense, the 3 energy is friendly, outgoing and always very social.
You have a decidedly upbeat attitude that is rarely discouraged; a good mental and emotional balance.
The 3 Soul Urge gives intuitive insight, thus, very high creative and inspirational tendencies. The truly outstanding trait shown by the 3 Soul Urge is that of self-expression, regardless of the field of endeavor.
Your Inner Dream number is: 11
An Inner Dream number of 11 means: You dream of casting the light of illumination; of being the true idealist. You secretly believe there is more to life than we can know or prove, and you would like to be provider of the 'word' from on high.
Thanks Randy, this was fun!