Reasons for joining a lineage society are varied. Some join as a way to validate their research. While there are a few exceptions, nearly every lineage society will ask you to prove the dates and places of birth, marriage, and death for each person on the application and then prove the child to parent relationship for each generation starting with you, and going back to your qualifying ancestor. This is also a way to preserve history for future generations. Others join for the social and community service aspect. Being around people who share your interests is a wonderful thing. In my previous post, I listed some of the general lineage societies. This post is a listing of some of the many First Family or Pioneer Certificate Programs at the state level. I have only listed those who have a listing of proven ancestors or pioneers on their website. If you don't see a state listing of your choice - just ask The Google if one exists.
Lineal descent from an individual who resided in that part of the Province of Carolina that became North Carolina, before the creation of the Royal Colony in 1729. List of Proven Ancestors
Lineal descent from an ancestor who was a resident of, owned land in, was the chief proprietor of a business, or performed military or civil service, between 1622 and 1680 within the boundaries of present day New Hampshire. Proven Ancestors
Lineal descent from an ancestor who was a resident of, owned land in, or was the chief proprietor of a business between 1604 and 1652 within the boundaries of present day Maine. Proven Ancestors
Lineal descent from an ancestor who was resident on land presently a part of the State of Rhode Island and the Providence Plantations prior to January 1, 1647/8 Proven Ancestors
Sponsored by the Ohio Genealogical Society First Families of Ohio is a lineage society open to OGS members who prove their descent from an ancestor who lived in Ohio by the end of 1820. Proven Ancestors
Lineal descent from either: (1) Sir George Calvert, The First Lord Baltimore, who was granted the Palatinate of Maryland by King Charles I of England, or (2) an ancestor who aided in the establishment of the Palatinate of Maryland or who was an office holder, real property owner or resident in Maryland prior to December 31, 1734. Proven ancestors
Direct descendants of pioneers who arrived and settled in the Oregon Country – the present states of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, parts of Montana, Wyoming and most of the Province of British Columbia – prior to the entry of Oregon to the Union on February 14, 1859 Links to assist you in proving your ancestor
The only requirement to join this society is that you be female and born in the State of California. A real gem on their website is the database of California Pioneers who resided or were born in California before December 31, 1869. You can access it HERE.
A listing of just a few lineage societies. Some even have proven ancestor databases that may help with your research even if you are not interested in becoming a member - check the description of each society for a link.
National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Headquarters located at 1776 D Street NW, Washington, DC Founded in 1890 with the mission of promoting historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Any woman 18 years or older who can prove lineal, bloodline descent from an ancestor who aided in achieving American independence.
185,000 members in 3,000 chapters around the world
National Society of the Dames of the Court of Honor Founded on 15 May 1921 by Miss Mary Florence Taney and thirteen associates in Covington, Kentucky. Direct lineal descent from a Commissioned Officer of any one or more of the earlier American Wars between the years 1607 through 1865 or from a Colonial Governor, during the period 1607-1775. Listing of proven qualified ancestors
National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century Established on July 15, 1915, the National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century is a non-profit organization with its headquarters located in Washington D.C. Constructed in 1884, the headquarters building, Brig. Gen. George P. Scriven House, holds historical significance and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Lineal descendants of an ancestor who lived and served prior to 1701 in one of the Original Colonies in the geographical area of the present United State of America. Chapters in 25 states
National Society Daughters of Colonial Wars First organized in the State of Massachusetts at the Hotel Brunswick, Boston, Massachusetts, on May 14, 1917, Mrs. Frank Dexter Ellison, President, and incorporated on May 27, 1921. Service as a military or naval officer, or as a soldier, sailor, marine or privateersman, under the authority of the Colonies that afterward formed the United States, or in the forces of Great Britain that participated with those of the said Colonies in any wars in which the said Colonies were engaged, or in which their men were enrolled from the time of the settlement at Jamestown (May 13, 1607) to the battle of Lexington (April 19, 1775). Served in any civil position of high trust and responsibility in the Colonies, such as Director General, Vice Director General, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Deputy Governor, Governor's Assistant, Lord Proprietor, Secretary, or Treasurer of a Colony or Province, member of the King's or Governor's Council, or Legislative Body in the Colonies, or Commissioner to the United Colonies or New England, or Member of the Council, or Body of Assistants, as well as Receiver General, Attorney General, Surveyor General, and such titles as Sheriff, Constable, Mayor, Judge, Justice of the Peace, Customs Officer, Master of Ordnance, or other elective or appointed offices in the Colonies. Proven ancestors listing 32 chapters in U. S.
Founded in 1881 National Headquarters Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic 4710 Eby St. Merriam, KS 66203 Chapters in 16 states
National Society Daughters of the American Colonists Founded: December 9, 1920, by Sarah Elizabeth Mitchell Guernsey (Mrs. George T.) Descendants of a man or woman who rendered patriotic or civil service to the American Colonies prior to 4 July 1776. Headquarters, NSDAC, 2205 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20008-2813 Proven ancestors database Chapters in 38 states
National Society United States Daughters of 1812 1463 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 Founded January 8, 1892, by Flora Adams Darling. Incorporated by an act of Congress on February 25, 1901. Lineal descent from period 1784-1815 inclusive, rendered civil, military, or naval service to our country, rendered material aid to the U.S. Army or Navy, or who participated in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Ancestor Database Over 5,365 members, 42 state societies, and over 162 chapters
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War 1861-1865 National Headquarters and Museum, 503 South Walnut Street, Springfield, IL Organized on May 30, 1885 and held the first meeting on June 3, 1885 at the home of Eva Merwin, 419 First Street, SE Massillon, Ohio. Membership shall be limited to women who can provide documented proof that their ancestor was a soldier or sailor of the U. S. Army, Navy, or Marine Corps and Revenue Cutter Service who served between April 12, 1861 and April 9, 1865 in the war for the suppression of the Rebellion. Chapters in 27 states
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America Founded in 1891, the NSCDA Headquarters is located at Dumbarton House, a Federal Period House Museum in Washington, DC. Lineal descent from someone residing in an American colony, rendered efficient service to our country during the Colonial period, either in the founding of a State or Commonwealth, or of an institution which has survived and developed into importance, or who shall have held an important position in a Colonial government, or who by distinguished services, shall have contributed to the founding of our nation. All services which constitute a claim to membership must have been rendered before July 5, 1776, but this date shall be held to include all signers of the Declaration of Independence. Proven ancestors database Chapters in 44 states and over 15,000 members
Colonial Dames of America Founded April 1890, Maria Denning “May” Van Rensselaer (Mrs. John King Van Rensselaer) of New York The Headquarters of The Colonial Dames of America is located in New York City on grounds that include an accredited museum and The Mount Vernon Hotel Museum and Garden. Lineal descent within the period beginning with the settlement of Jamestown, Virginia, May 13, 1607, and extending to, but not including, the Battle of Lexington April 19, 1775, served one or more of the thirteen original Colonies: By holding public office in the government thereof; By holding a commission in the armed forces thereof; or, By otherwise serving one or more of said Colonies in the capacities specified in the Eligibility List. 39 chapters across the U.S. A few more worth checking out: