Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ~ Yeats
31 January 2011
A Most Excellent Genea-Day Is Coming My Way!
29 January 2011
Meet Max Marbles

A wonderful man named Max Marbles contacted me about an opportunity to be a guest poster for The Educated Genealogist. Max is a professional bookbinder from Salem, Oregon whose business is located at the Mission Hill Museum. The following article about family bibles is very interesting and informative.
13 January 2011
BBQ, Bonding and Cracking The Whip
11 January 2011
When Will It Happen To Me?

05 January 2011
The 2011 Suzanne Winsor Freeman Memorial Student Genealogy Grant
The 2011 Suzanne Winsor Freeman Memorial
Student Genealogy Grant

Suzanne Freeman, mother of genealogy writer, Denise Levenick, The Family Curator, was an enthusiastic attendee at the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree and a life-long supporter of youth activities and volunteerism. The 2011 Suzanne Winsor Freeman Memorial Student Genealogy Grant pays tribute to these interests by offering a $500 grant to a young genealogist attending the 2011 SCGS Jamboree.
Any genealogist who is 18 to 25 years of age as of July 1, 2011 and a student within the last year is eligible to apply. Funds may be used for travel, lodging, and other conference-related expenses.
The SCGS Jamboree has become a premiere regional genealogy conference offering national speakers, workshops, and demonstrations. More than 1700 genealogists attended the 2010 event in Burbank, California.
Please help spread the word and encourage any young genealogists you know to apply for the 2011 Suzanne Winsor Freeman Memorial Grant.
The Suzanne Winsor Freeman Memorial Student Genealogy Fund was established to honor Suzanne’s Freeman’s lifetime of service to young people and to assist young genealogists seeking to advance their genealogical education.
Suzanne Freeman was a life-long volunteer who worked with many youth organizations in the capacity of leader, organizer, and administrator. She also developed a strong interest in family history, and was delighted by the growing number of young student genealogists. She enjoyed attending the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree and at the time of her death in Tucson, Arizona August 28, 2010, was still searching for elusive Winsor cousins.
To honor her support of the SCGS Jamboree, the first Suzanne Winsor Freeman Memorial Student Genealogy Grant will be awarded to a young genealogist attending the 2011 Jamboree. The grant includes a check for $500 toward conference expenses.
Applicant Requirements –
- Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 25 as of July 1, 2011.
- Applicant must have been enrolled in a college, university, or secondary school within the last 12 months.
- A completed Grant Application form must be received via email by 15 February 2011.
- Applicant must attend the 2011 Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree in Burbank, California.
Application Instructions –
Application materials should be sent by email to with your last name in the subject line (Surname, SWF Grant Application).
- Complete and submit the Grant Application via email by 15 February 2011. Your application should be in .doc or .pdf format and submitted as an email attachment to An email receipt will verify successful receipt of your application.
- Optional, but strongly encouraged: Request a letter of recommendation from two individuals who can attest to your genealogy experience and interest. These may be letters of any length commenting on a specific research experience or academic accomplishment in the field of personal and family history observed by the individual.
- One letter of recommendation may be from a non-immediate family member, such as aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc.
- One or both letters may be from individuals active in the genealogy community.
- Letters should be emailed directly by the individual to
The award recipient will be notified on or before 1 March 2011.
Only successfully received electronic submissions will be considered for the award. Recipient must attend the 2011 SCGS Jamboree in Burbank, California. The decision of the grant committee is final. Sponsor reserves the right to award more or less Grants, or not to award any Grant, if, in their sole discretion, a sufficient number of qualified applications is not received. Information provided in the application may be used for research, evaluation, and publicity purposes.