Time for some video fun starring Kerry Scott from Clue Wagon as Frankenstein's Bride, Randy Seaver from GeneaMusings as Frankenstein, Bill West from West In New England as the mummy, Craig Manson from Geneablogie returns again this year as the vampire and Me of , well . . .um here.
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ~ Yeats
21 October 2010
08 October 2010
Familiar Faces at the Family History Expo
06 October 2010
Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Its Off To The Expo I Go!

I have been waiting for this event for almost a year now. Not only will I be attending this 2 day genealogical extravaganza, I have been asked to participate!

Elizabeth O’Neal
Little Bytes of Life
Leah Allen
The Internet Genealogist
Lisa Alzo
The Accidental Genealogist
Bruce Buzbee
Roots Magic Blog
Amy Coffin
Lisa Louise Cooke
Genealogy Gems
Kathryn M. Doyle
California Genealogical Society and Library
Becky Wiseman
Gena Philibert Ortega
Gena's Genealogy Blog
Leland Meitzler
Craig Manson
Thomas MacEntee
Nancy Loe
Sassy Jane Genealogy
A. C. Ivory
Find My Ancestor
Janet Hovorka
The Chart Chick
Paula Hinkel
It Just Never Came Up
Jean Wilcox Hibben
Holly Hansen
Family History Expos Blog
Arlene Eakle
Arlene H Eakle's Genealogy Blog
And the Stealth Blogger - Darling Denise Levenick aka The Family Curator
And best of all????? It is only 30 minutes from my home, but I am staying the weekend shacked up with the rest of the geneabloggers in Pleasanton. I will be driving and am delirious with the knowledge I can bring as many outfits and pairs of shoes my little heart desires. I splurged on a few new outfits and if I have to change my clothes 3 times a day to get to wear them all this weekend, then so be it.
I'll be blogging live from from the Expo so stay tuned.
I Know You're Wearing Them

I know you're wearing them - your shades.
It's a good thing too because the new issue of the award winning "Shades of the Departed Magazine" has been published and is waiting just for you to read.
110 pages of Awesome-ness. What are you waiting for?
05 October 2010
If You Really Knew Them
It is not often something touches my heart so very deeply, but there have been two discussions recently in the world of Geneabloggers that have done just that.
George Morgan graciously opened his life experience to everyone in a post at Facebook and now Ruth Coker Burkes, author of last2cu, has done the same with "If You Really Knew Me" . I encourage you to read about their experiences.
George Morgan graciously opened his life experience to everyone in a post at Facebook and now Ruth Coker Burkes, author of last2cu, has done the same with "If You Really Knew Me" . I encourage you to read about their experiences.
02 October 2010
Re-Living A Little Bit of History
Today I will be re-living a bit of history. 87 years ago, El Toyon Chapter NSDAR placed a bronze plaque on a tree marking the spot that Captain John C. Fremont and the members of his expedition made camp on 26 March 1844. The spot was on the property of the "Dodge House", home to founding members of El Toyon Chapter Emily Dodge and her sister Anna Dodge. Several years ago the tree was removed and the plaque was given to the San Joaquin Historical Museum for safe-keeping.

Today, 87 years later, the plaque will be installed on the restored Dodge House during a re-dedication ceremony.

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