So this morning I have my very first speaking gig. At 7:00 am - yes in the morning. I should get some kind of award for even being awake at 7:00 in the morning. Anydoodle, after much anguish over what in the hell am I going to talk about (They asked me to just talk about genealogy) I decide to give them "The Problem With Pauline." I am thinking it is an interesting and entertaining story and it would dazzle them with my brilliant research.When I finish my presentation and open the floor to questions, the very first one I am asked is:"What is the significance of you wearing the genie costume?"
I replied, in my best educated and scholarly voice, "Because I am a genie-ologist, I am a barrel of laughs and well because someone had to do it."
I am thinking that perhaps the lecture circuit is not ready for me.
UPDATE: It appears that many of you thought I wore the genie outfit to the speaking gig. No, no I was dressed as a normal human being (it was 7 am for crying out loud!). The lady asking the question was referring to the photo I use for my profile that I recently changed. So now perhaps you see why I was disappointed that after my brilliant presentation the first question I am asked is about the photo of me in a genie costume. Sigh.