Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. ~ Yeats
31 March 2009
30 March 2009
Western Jewish History Center Archives

From the Emanu-El Newspaper, 17 December 1897, page 16:
"One of the pleasantest entertainments ever given in San Francisco was that given one evening last week by Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Walter at their home, 1700 Van Ness avenue. It was complimentary to Miss Clara Hellman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Hellman, and the invitations asked a hundred and more friends to meet the young guest of honor "at a gathering of the gypsies." Following the plan of the hostess, Miss Mary Bates carried it out in most picturesque detail. The handsome dining-room of the Walter mansion was converted into a gypsy camp. There were tents of skins and canvas, the tripod with the kettle and all sorts of things that go to make up the typical settlement of the Romanies. the other rooms were canvased for dancing and appropriately decorated. Miss Hellman was not with Mrs. Walter to greet the guests, but made her appearance in a beautiful tableau surrounded by a dozen young ladies like herself in gorgeous gypsy garb, she being the queen. After this pretty general introduction she received "in camp," graciously dispensing its hospitality. Interest was added to this scene by the presence of "real" gypsies from a camp on the outskirts. They told past, present and future to the great amusement of the young people. Dice were shaken for prizes. An Italian supper prepared by a chef of that nationality was served before midnight, after which dancing was resumed."
Well what do you think about that? Over 100 teenagers, tents made of animal skins and real gypsies. I love this stuff!
A Noble Life In Southeast Kansas

c. 1910, George Wesley Harris, Hillery T. Harris and John Fletcher Harris; Allen County, Kansas
It occurred to me that a noble life did not have to mean royalty, fame or wealth. It could mean a life that was lived honestly and proudly. My great great grandfather George Wesley Harris (pictured on the far left) certainly looks proud in this picture. One hand over his heart and the other pointing to the ground as if saying, "This is my land and I worked hard to come by it, by God." He did not have the money for modern farm equipment, but his son (my great grandfather Hillery T. Harris) looks like he knows how to handle those horses. I do not know what kind of crops they grew, but I know that there was only 40 acres. That 40 acres was George Wesley Harris' kingdom.
26 March 2009
John Hope Franklin 1915-2009
I still smile when I remember learning that this great scholar still used index cards for notes and wrote his papers out in long hand. John Hope Franklin will remain for me an everlasting inspiration to be the best that I can possibly be. The world is a better place because of him and he will be missed.
21 March 2009
Seaver's Saturday Night Fun - Who's Your Daddy's Mama's Daddy?
It's a good thing I am medicated because it is Saturday night and we all know what that means - Everyone's over to Seaver's place for some Saturday Night Fun at Genea-Musings. Randy's challenge to us this week:
Provide a list of your paternal grandmother's patrilineal line by answering the following questions.
I have checked and I can tell you with 100% certainty that my BORGSTADTER family are the only ones in the entire United States. Do not know why I felt the need to share that with you but Jose C. was telling me that I should mention it.
1. What is my father's mother's maiden name? - BORGSTADTER
2. What is your father's mother's father's name? - HENRY FRED BORGSTADTER
3. What is your father's mother's father's patrilineal line?
The father of HENRY FRED BORGSTADTER is JOHN FRED BORGSTADTER. John Borgstadter immigrated to the U.S. about 1872. I have never found his passenger arrival, never located any siblings or parents. When John was required to register as an "Enemy Alien" during WWI, he was asked the date of his arrival in the U.S., the name of the ship he came on, what port he arrived at, his place of birth, the names of his parents and whether he had any relatives in the U.S. or corresponded with any in Germany. I was shocked at his answers.
He was not sure of the date of his arrival to the U.S. probably September 1871 or 1872.
He did not remember the name of the ship.
He is pretty sure that he arrived at the Port of New York.
He stated that he was born in Hitzhausen, Germany.
When asked for the names of his parents his answer was "I do not know".
When asked if he had any relatives in the U.S. or still corresponded with any who were in Germany he answered, "It is possible, but I do not know".
Can you imagine giving those answers to Homeland Security in this day and age?
4. Can you identify male sibling(s) of your father's mother, and any living male descendants from those male sibling(s)? If so, you have a candidate to do a Y-DNA test on that patrilineal line. If not, you may have to find male siblings, and their descendants, of the next generation back, or even further
My father's mother had 1 brother - Fred Louis Borgstadter who had 2 daughters and 0 sons.
So if I go back a generation to my father's mother's father - Henry Borgstadter - Henry had 1 brother - Herman George Borgstadter. Herman had 3 sons -[a] Gerald who was killed in action in WWII (he had no children), [b] An infant who died at birth and never named and [c] a son who is still living. This still living son had 1 son who is alive.
20 March 2009
The One-Room Schoolhouse
Look for my upcoming article about the rise and fall of the one-room schoolhouse in southeast Kansas.

17 March 2009
More Sidewalk Photography
In his post, "Sidewalk Photographers, Bournemouth & Great Yarmouth", Brett shares some fantastic photographs of his ancestors that are one-of-a-kind.
Brett's blog is on my list of must reads, always well written and loaded with brilliant photographs. Take a few minutes and head on over to The Photo-Sleuth to read a series of articles about old photographs, photographers and their subjects, you won't be disappointed!
14 March 2009
Groovin' - On A Saturday Afternoon

Frances spoke to a full house about her research journey and shared some stories from the book. Anyone can gather facts and figures, but it takes a gift to take those facts and figures and turn them into a compelling and entertaining story. Frances has that gift. That and a great last name, do you know how fun it is to say Dinkel-schpiel!
Best of all was getting to meet some of the Genea-Bloggers grooviest people. Cool, cool Kitty - Kathryn Doyle author of the CGS blog is one of the bounciest, happiest, friendliest people you'd ever want to meet. Ah, to be that young and skinny again. Oh well, a girl can always dream.
Guess Where You Can Find Me Now!
I am hanging out over at footnoteMaven's place - Shades of the Departed. You'll find me in the Friday From The Collector's department. I'll only be there for a few days so you really should visit soon.
Can you believe that Klassy Maven asked me to be the guest author for the week? You think you're surprised, imagine how I felt.
Got a few minutes? Then come on over and give me a read. Next week I'll be back on my own turf - in the frozen food aisle at the S-Mart grocers
07 March 2009
Sheri Goes To Santa Clara and Oakland and San Francisco and...

Since I will be in the bay area, I have other genealogical events and on my itinerary that I am really looking forward to . The visit would not be complete without stopping in at some of my most favorite places to do research as well.
Saturday, March 14th at 1:00 PM - The California Genealogical Society presents - Frances Dinkelspiel, author of "Towers of Gold: How One Jewish Immigrant Named Isaias Hellman Created California". I am thrilled that I finally have the chance not only to listen to Ms. Dinkelspiel's research adventures but even more jazzed at meeting Kathryn Doyle live and in person. Kathryn is the author of the CGS blog, a fellow genea-blogger and all around cool, cool kitty.
The following Monday and Tuesday I will be researching at the Judah Magnes Library in the Western Jewish History Collection . The museum and library are located in Berkeley so time at the Bancroft Library at U.C. Berkeley is on the agenda too. I am hoping to squeeze in one or two more days so I can visit the California Historical Society, the Sutro Library and the National Archives in San Bruno.
05 March 2009
Learn What Your Name Means Day

04 March 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Unique Names Day

Day 3 of "Celebrate Your Name Week" is designated as "Unique Names Day".
Well.....you should know me by now. I couldn't let this one go without having some fun with it.
I used the services of some great name generators. I used my own name - Sheri Fenley and let the generators work their magic. I thought it was like using a Magic 8 Ball - "Say My Name, oh Magical One." My husband (who is a down to earth kind of guy - no magic baloney for him) says the name generators are a crap shoot. Either way you look at it, it was alot of fun.
The Vampire Name Generator

The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity: Selene Oleander
Known in some parts of the world as: Lilith of The Balkans

Hillbilly Name Generator
Your Hillbilly Name Is: Kissy Cissy Houston

Fairy Name Generator
She wears pale blue like the sky. She has cheery turquoise wings like a butterfly.
03 March 2009
Fun Facts Day

Today is Day 2 of the "Celebrate Your Name Week". It has been designated as "Fun Facts Day".
Randy Seaver over at Genea-Musings, led me to a website called "is this your name?"
After I entered my name into the generator it gave me these fun facts about my name:
55% of the letters are vowels. Of one million first and last names we looked at, 1.1% have a higher vowel make-up. This means you are extremely well envoweled.
In ASCII binary it is... 01010011 01101000 01100101 01110010 01101001 00100000 01001100 01101111 01110101 01101001 01110011 01100101
Backwards, it is Irehs Yelnef... nice ring to it, huh?
In Pig Latin, it is Erishay Enleyfay.
People with this first name are probably: Female. So, you are constantly
overcharged for beauty products.
Name Origin and Meaning:
Forename: Origin: French (Root: Cherie)Meaning: Beloved
3 Things You Didn't Know:
Your personal power animal is the Sphynx Cat
Your 'Numerology' number is 5. If it wasn't bulls**t, it would mean that you are adventurous, mercurial, and sensual. You seek growth through adventure and different life experiences. Although you are a critical thinker, you can sometimes over-ponder an issue.
According to the US Census Bureau, 0.042% of US residents have the first name 'Sheri' and 0.0006% have the surname 'Fenley'. The US has around 300 million residents, so we guesstimate there are 1 Americans who go by the name 'Sheri Fenley'.
It's so comforting to know that in all probability, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, there is only one of me!
02 March 2009
"Celebrate Your Name Week" Promotes Genealogy

March 2 - Namesake Day: Today is for thinking about where you got your name and if you were named after a particular person, place, etc.