One of my favorite places to dance is in the frozen food section of the grocery store.
I spent my junior year of high school in France as a foreign exchange student. To this day I cannot speak a word of French.
Before I turn 60, I want to learn how to Belly Dance. I am hoping it will make me forget how I tried to get a belly ring last summer but passed out before they could pierce my navel.
I have 4 cats - Mouser, Mama-cat, Piggy-cat and Other-cat.

I find cartoons like this hysterical
I know, I was supposed to tell you 8 things, but I want to save the rest for later.
The rules for this meme are:
1. Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. A the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their name.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.
I am saying "Tag, you're it" to:
Tina at Gtownma's Genealogy
Midge at Granite In My Blood
Tim at Walking The Berkshires
footnoteMaven at footnoteMaven
Mark at ThinkGenealogy
Kathy at Kathy's Genealogy Blog
Terry at Desktop Genealogist Unplugged
Harold at Midwestern Microhistory
ok, I was going to tag you too, but I see I am to late....waiting for the rest of those eight things!
You dance in the store, I sing (loudly) in the car. We'd make quite a duo on the circuit.
ReplyDeleteYou're on. Let's take the show on the road!
Hi Sheri1 I hope your Thanksgiving was a good one. I've posted my 8 things and my 8 tagees.