The 8th Edition of Smile For The Camera will be hosted by the footnoteMaven. The theme for this edition is "Stocking Stuffers". I usually do not wait until the last day to submit my photo to this carnival, but I was having a hard time finding a suitable photo. With some divine intervention, I stumbled upon this cartoon.
So...I would like to place this cartoon into the stocking of my 2nd grade teacher - Sister Mary Anastasia. I am sure that Sister has passed on by now, she was as old as dirt when I attended Mary Immaculate Catholic School in Pacoima, California. I will never forget her. She had wooden rosary beads as big as my fist. She wore them around her waist, the end with the cross swinging like crazy as she barreled down the hallways chasing after one kid or another.
ps. For those who may be worried about my eternal salvation, just remember - I had divine intervention on this one so I feel confident that I won't go to hell for this one anyway.
Oh my goodness, did I have a great laugh when I read this post. I too went to a Catholic grammar school and although I have many wonderful memories of one particular nun (Sister Angelina) I have so many others of nuns running around with their habits flying in the wind as they attempted to manage a class of 55+ students all on their OWN. God bless them. What a great cartoon! Thanks for sharing.