14 October 2008

Monday's Child is Fair of Face

The footnoteMaven has come up with a fun little exercise in the Genea-Blogger world: What Day of the Week were You Born? She uses the nursery rhyme "Monday's Child" and asks if we agree with the attribute described for each day of the week.

I was born on a Monday, the day after Easter. A whopping 10 pounds 5 ounces. (I, of course, blossomed into the petite flower that I am today) This photo was taken when I was 1 week old!
But "Fair of Face"? I don't think so!

1 comment:

  1. My Mother, who delivered many babies, always said, "newborns all look like Winston Churchill or Dwight Eisenhower."

    You have far too much lovely hair for either one!

    A 10 pound 5 ounce baby, hats off to your mother.

