So I hope you didn't think I was finished with my story. There's more!
Thursday was a full day again. In the morning I ran into Claire Bettag. I just adore Claire. You may remember her better as the "Motorcycle Mama" from my adventure at IGHR at Samford University. Randy Seaver - GeneaMusings - and I toured the Gentech area of the exhibit hall. Lots of exciting technology happening.
I also ran into Becky Jamison who writes Grace and Glory. What a delightful lady! And Janet Horvorka - The Chart Chick - You have got to see her new toy called ChArtist, you'll never look at charts the same way again. Janet also wrote the most helpful series of getting to know Salt Lake City before the conference.
I volunteered an hour at the APG booth. My partner was Bob McLaren who is a most interesting man. I'll have you know that I behaved myself. Not once did I ask him what he was wearing under his kilt!
Stopped by the Family Tree Magazine booth and talked with Diane Haddad - Genealogy Insider - and Allison Stacy. OMG they are so young but so talented!
Finally caught up with Denise Levenick - The Family Curator and aka Penelope Dreadful from Shades, the Magazine - I met Denise last summer at Jamboree. She is a most excellent person to hang out with. Speaking of Shades, the April edition has been published and it is a doozy! 116 pages devoted to the Civil War. My column this month is "The Year Was 1865"
In the group above were a couple of people I had never met before. Megan Smolenyak, a genea-star and the Chief Family Historian for, is really a very nice person. Lou Szucs known for her book "The Source" (just one of many books and publications) is one of the most respected authorities in the genealogical world and Maureen Taylor aka The Photo Detective, who I owe a Geneablogger ribbon. Maureen if you are reading this I found one while unpacking and I mailed it to you today!
Elizabeth Hansford is the Genealogy Geek and I am so glad I met her. With her sharp wit and humor, she fit right in!

Lisa Alzo is another dear friend. Lisa's blog - The Accidental Genealogist sponsored a fantastic writing challenge last March called "Fearless Women." Lisa is an expert in Eastern European research, especially Slovakian research, and the author of several books the most recent being "Cleveland Czechs" and write regular columns for "Family Chronicle" and "Family Tree" magazines.

Some of the new bloggers I met were Michelle Goodrum - Turning of Generations; A. C. Ivory - Find My Ancestor; Amy Urman - The Genealogy Search. If you haven't already read what they have to say, then get on over and visit with them.
I have to tell you, my week at the conference and in Salt Lake City was time and money well spent.
ps. At one point during the conference, I met a gentleman who I exchanged business cards with. Or so I thought I had. I accidently handed him my hotel card key instead of my business card. Sir, if you are reading this - I forgot to tell you that particular kind of service will cost you extra.
I am so jealous. Will spend tomorrow reading your adventures. I hope I can go to Knoxville... Tina
ReplyDeleteYou are just too much, Sheri! I'm so glad I know you! Sure enjoyed reading your coverage of the Conference. What a delight.
ReplyDeleteLooks like you all are having a lot of fun. I'm sorry I missed you. But I did have Claire's seminar. Good refresher from ProGen. I'm in Heartland ProGen (no number) now. In month 14. Wooo-hoo!
ReplyDeleteThe fab Sheri rewards us stay-at-homes again. I'm still breathless. SO glad you went to the cholera talk by my other dear fiend Alison!!
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny!! Wish I was able to make it. At least I can live vicariously through you. :)
ReplyDeleteLoved reading about your exciting time in SLC! You always put a smile on my face.
ReplyDeleteLMAO, just like last week... I thoroughly enjoyed my stay at the Shilo Convent, Motha.
ReplyDeleteSheri, I enjoyed your account of Samford a couple years ago so much. I was disappointed tonight to realize I that missed meeting you at NGS in SLC. Here I was standing in the same line for ProGen. What a great conference. Thanks again for telling us about it. LeRoy Atkins
ReplyDeleteYou said it all -- what a great week. I'm so glad we could meet up and swap tall tales.
ReplyDeleteI'm already looking forward to Burbank, it could be a great encore.
Not a boring life you have.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the sharing. What a great time, for each of you! Neat!