My Other Pages

27 February 2010

The Final Results Winter 2010 Geneablogger Games

Boy oh Boy - I started out strong in the Winter 2010 Geneablogger Games in the first week. I must have pulled a muscle or something this second week. It seemed like everything I was working on had a deadline this week. I wrapped up a client project and wrote the report.

I am the registrar for my DAR chapter here in Stockton. This week I have had more prospective members than I have had all year! Also completed 1 new member application and 10 supplemental ancestor applications.

I am also the editor for San Joaquin Genealogical Society newsletter and it needs to be published by Monday.

So drum roll please . . . here are the final numbers for my participation in the games.

1) Go Back and Cite Your Sources!

I composed 20 citations which has earned me a SILVER medal

2) Back Up Your Data!

Task A - Prepare a comprehensive backup plan for your digital research files and a security plan for your hard copies and photos

Task B - Secure your hard copies and photos in waterproof containers

Task C - Backup all your data using a flash drive, an external drive, CD's, DVD's or an online resource

I now have a GOLD medal for this category

3) Organize Your Research!

Task A - Organize at least 20 hard files or ancestral items into file folders, boxes, envelopes, etc.

Task B - Organize at least 20 digital files into folders, label, add metadata, add descriptions, etc.

Task C - Organize at least 20 photos into photo albums, scrapbooks, collages, etc.

Task D - Organize at least 20 digital photos into folders, label, add metadata, add descriptions, etc.

Task E - Create at least 20 data entries in your database

PLATINUM medal for this category

4) Expand Your Knowledge!

Task C - Create a memorial page for an ancestor using either Footnote’s Create A Page feature or their Facebook application I Remember.

Task D - Visit tutorial and learning pages of popular websites such as or FamilySearch’s excellent articles repository.

Task E - Create a surname visualization using Wordle, Word It Out or a similar application. Post the graphic to your blog.

A GOLD medal for this category.

5) Write, Write, Write!

Task A - Write a summary of what your blog is about and post it on your blog – you may not have done this since you started the blog and it is a great way to have new readers learn more about your site. If your blog uses the Blogger platform, consider using the new Pages feature as described in Blogger Announces New Pages Feature.

Task B - Participate in a genealogy or family history related blog carnival. See the AnceStories post February 2010 Calendar of Events for a list of these carnivals and their submission URLs and deadlines.

Task C - Prepare several posts in draft mode and pre-publish them.

I now own a GOLD medal for this category

6) Reach Out & Perform Genealogical Acts of Kindness!

Task A: Comment on a new (to you) genealogy blog. See the New Genealogy Blogs tag at GeneaBloggers for the newest blogs.

Task B: Post one or more gravestone photos at Find A Grave

Task D: Assist another researcher with a research request or lookup. See AnceStories “Random Acts of Kindness Week” posts for ideas for this item and Item E

Task E: Participate in an indexing project.

Task F: Join a genealogical, historical, heritage or lineage society.

Task G: Use the Follow feature on a Blogger-based genealogy blog and follow one or more blogs.

I aced this category and have earned a PLATINUM medal

All in all not too bad - 2 PLATINUM, 3 GOLD and 1 SILVER.


  1. Wow!You are an inspiration, indeed! Great Job!

  2. High five, well done, Sheri! If you bottled your amazing blonde energy you would be a millionairess. Or should we even think of the possibilities that could happen then?
